Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July - The growing month

Day after days, week after weeks, months after months, the things that we do not expect can happen at anytime. Just like July, it is a time of year, especially at where I am staying, the fruit of our labour have taken place.

Planting and weeding are my main job for the past months. Now, it is an exciting time of the season when all that we planted grow in a noticeable speed. Not only vegetables and flowers that gain height and produce fruits, but our main livestock, which are the sheep, multiply as well. Yes, everything is growing, and that is good. Living on a farm, there is nothing more enjoyable then to see what we grow and raise increase in size!

At the same time, I think the world will become a perfect place if there are no more weeds growing. At least, that is my wish. Well, I guess, that will come true one day.

So, what have I been doing this past wonderful month of July?
Well, first of all since my birthdate is unclear as my birth-certificate says in July and I used to September, my Canadian family decided to celebrate an unbirthday event for me. And, if you have read Alice in Wonderland, you might know where that celebration was from. Since then, the event had some activities from the book.

A few weeks later, I went to a lake called Cultus, in Chilliwack. Although Canada is now a hot place, the lake is still pretty cool. I did enjoy it for a certain degree, but not a whole lot. I guess, I do not have Western skin yet. However, it was nice to visit a different location.

One big technical problem that happened to me this month was my virus-consumed laptop. Virus is a wicked disease. It affects not only living things, but non-living hardware as well. Anyway, that was an exciting moment for my life in July. As for that, I still need to work on it before the school start again. FUN.

What else is going on? Oh, yeah. Early of this month at the farm we tried to watch over coyotes because of the full moon. But, not one of them came. One day, though, as we were having a lunchbreak after our morning's work, a daring, hungry coyote came into our field! The cows that stay at the back field dashed to the front gate and doing nothing. So, Mr coyote came in trying to visit our sheep. Thank God, there was another fence between him and the sheep. The coyote's visit was a short one, because as Grandma and Grandpa saw him, Grandma came running into the house to report the unusual visit. Somehow, we were able to scare him away. He, definitely, had an unpleasant visit. I guess, he could not get back to report to his companions, though he was in the forest.
That was a fantastic activity we did all day, as all of us came out after we scared him away with baseball bat, shovel, and stick. And, that is a life on the farm.

On the third week of July, I went to see a celebration of light held in Vancouver. Two to three hundred thousand people attended the event. The fireworks were done by Spain. It was spectagular as the fireworks tried to dance through the music.

By nightfall, the amount of the people triple!

The glory of firework!

The joy Spain produced.

(Photos taken by Jason Ho)

Today, as I write, we had tried to build another fence so that there won't be another "friendly" visit from Mr Wiley Coyote.

And, that is pretty much excitements July can bring.
I hope you all are doing well, and enjoy the summer as it is will soon come to a close.

Many blessings,

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