Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August - the preparation month

I usually do not write English poem, but today I will copy a few well-known lines.

"Roses are red,
And violets are blue",
If you ask me, I'll tell you two,
It is August I thought I knew.
The flowers and the veggies,
They grow and grew.
With the BC rains,
And a few sun too.
If you ask me,
I thought I knew.

Well, greetings to everyone!
As I write now, I can see some smiling faces. It is sometimes hard to jot down a few events on a blog without having any physical contacts. But, I hope you all would understand.

Like a month ago, life is still on the run. I still breathe and open wide my eyes to see what the Lord brings each day.
The flowers in the field are growing well. My Canadian family and I have been very busy this month picking and bending our backs to share the beauty of God's creation. Well, some people would love amarantus! From bachelor-button to zanias to burgandi and many others, our appreciation for the flowers descend more and more. Not the beauty of those flowers that descend, but the labour and marketing. One thing I would not lie, though, is that working in the hot sun sometimes does really irritates me. But, that is life. In French: "c'est la vie"

On the other hand, the sheep stock are doing pretty well. Each day they grew a little bigger. And, their fear towards me shrink as well. So, instead of running from me when I try to feed them, they give me some space while putting down the feed, and then they come to eat the grain in the trough.
With sheep there are many application I can learn from! The spiritual part and the actual, physical duty part!
We used to have six rams and thirteen ewes. And, they are to be separated because some of the ewes are still small to be bred. At this point, four rams already went to the market.
One morning when I went out to do the sheep, I knowingly closed one of the gates improperly. Then, maybe, thirty minutes or so later came Grandpa shouting by the window! As the noise rose, we thought, "uh-oh coyotes!". But, no, it wasn't. The two happy rams and ewes got together! And, it wasn't the rams who entered the ewes' field, but the ewes. Ha ha... well, that day was to be a sleep-in morning, but everybody has to get up and joined the excitement. So, lesson learned. Be always to double check.
I hope the rams didn't do any damage to the nine little ewes, since they're still small.

Yeah, every month there is always something exciting. Our life, or at least my life, is going to be so bored otherwise :)

All is well here. I am doing well, and since it is August school is starting soon; in fact, it is on September 9th. I had all my books collected for the semester to come. It is quite a mountain pile, yet I am really excited to really learn something worth the hardwork!

You already experience that, while you're at school. New textbooks always bring along the joy and anticipation.

I think that is pretty much August has in store for me. As for prayer request, may you please pray for my starting of Nursing Program this coming year. I ask for wisdom and strength, endurance and patient. I am going to be extra busy starting from now on. But, good busy :)

Thank you all so much for your love and support. Your prayers and thoughts about my well-being here mean a lot to me.

May our gracious and abounding in love Lord Jesus bless you all richly.

In Him,

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