Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas to you and to you ...

Let us join with me in the celebration:

"Oh, come all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant;
Oh, come all ye citizen, Of Heaven of above;
Come and behold Him, Born the King of angels.
Oh, come let us adore Him, Oh come let us adore Him.
Oh, come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord."

Greetings to all my friends and family,

In more than two thousand years ago, there born a child. A lowly man, yet the King above all kings. The Son of Man and the Son of God. The Lord of all, who loves and cherish His creation so much that He decided to come and show us the Way. It does not matter the time, the location, the region; the reason is plain: He loves us. He came so that we might live, and through His life we can eternally see the Light. Praise be to God!! As the angels once proclaimed now eternally sings, let us join: "Glory to God in the Highest!"

To me Christmas is very, very special. As a child, it was more about the gift. But now, I am no longer a child. Christ is the true gift, and the true reason why we celebrate this special event. He is the gift, once and for all. The gift that is sufficient for all mankind. It is my wish this Christmas that people all over the world will come to see and know that Jesus is the Savior.

It is another season for all of us to once again come together as a family, as a community, as a gathering to reflect and share the love. Some of us are away and far from each other, but our hearts are closely connected, not just through facebook or internet. Our thoughts and prayers carry across the sky. The research says that social connection network map the World, but no, it is our prayers and thoughts hat do!

Some of you have traveled a far to see each other on this lovely occasion, while others stay but still connect in thoughts and prayers. Christ's love connects us all!
It is wonderful to sit and reflect the awesomeness of Christ's coming. To Him be praise forever and ever more!

In this Christmas, I wish you all a happy and merry relaxation as we put aside the business of life, worries, and anxiety. I hope this Christmas is really meaningful to you in a special way, especially, a fantastic time with family and friends. And, as I once heard, "Love as like there is no tomorrow..." make the most out of this time.
Christ is the reason for this gathering, and He is also the reason why we should spend time together as family and friends.

Blessed Jesus, fill us with Your Love;
Blessed Son of God reveals us the Truth;
Oh Holy One shows us the Way;
Our Savior we come to you, today.

Merry Christmas to all!
Many blessings as you cherish this day...

P.S. As we cherish this day, may we remember our loved ones.
Please pray for my mom, Elizabeth Feucht, for comfort and strength. I have told you a few months ago about my dad, Martin Feucht, condition concerning his health and wellness. Yesterday, he went to be with the Lord. It is sad to know, but one day I will see him again at the final reunion. I can say that he is a great man. The man of faith who carried Christ's love all the way from Germany to Cambodia. His sacrifice means a lot to me and to the children at the Good Shepherd orphanage. He had done well. He had finished the race, and fought bravely, yet faithfully. In his memories and love, I will cherish Christ's love and follow the same example.

Friday, October 29, 2010

After Two Months of BACK-to-SCHOOL ...

I once heard a story about a fruit-tree. The purpose of a tree is to grow and bear fruit. What happen, then, when that tree bears no fruit?

Greetings to all,

once again another month just passed. Within just a few months, there was so much to grasp, but much of those were tools for the future. A future that many would say "bright" that I, right now, need a new battery. I feel like I am learning, but they weren't enough for testings. Half of this semester, I have been struggling to achieve the result of a good student. Again and again, the results (through testings) are constantly pointing me and looking crossly at me as to shout, "What have you been doing!? Why aren't you reaching what you suppose to receive!?"

Compare to other undergraduates within the first year nursing program, I should be doing much better than most, considering I have fewer classes than them. But, in fact, time after time, the result of each classes' exam showed me otherwise. To be honest, I feel much discouraged. This is only the first year of the program, but so far I haven't shown the result of my calling. Is this the test? Is this what I need to face? Many of you that read this would try to encourage me by saying, "You can do it!" Sometimes, it is hard to say, "yes". I know the semester isn't over, and I hope I can climb back up. Yet, I questioned myself whether I did the right thing to come here. There's a better person who can do better than me. At least, that's what I feel.

Again, discouragement does take control over me when things don't turn out well. However, it is hard for me to look back because of how much need, how much trust, and how much faith many of you have in me. I cannot do this alone. Once again, I thank you all for your sincere support. I feel dry, and sometimes, I just don't understand. Do each man has to go through the ups-and-downs? Isn't there just a smooth road? I guess this is my time to learn and walk through it once more. With hardship comes great peserverance. Well... enough of the sad feelings.

This is a note to those who might want to leave their countries in persuing higher education or something: prepare to be strong because you will miss what you used to have.

I am not complaining about such fantastic opportunity. But, I guess I feel homesick. Yes, once again. Sometimes, I wish I can just say, "There is no place like home, there is no place like home..." then, "boom!" I'm home(Cambodia). That would be awesome. But, anyway, four years isn't that long. Feelings just come and go. I already feel better by just writting all these.

There is one thing I learn as life goes on, "I will always find something I 'miss' or 'dislike'" no matter where I am (in general).

Everything I wrote above are not meant to discourage or bring any sad feelings to anyone. It is my journey. I am recording my life's story, so I can look back later. It is always good to be thankful in all situations.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" (Phil. 4:13)

Philippians 4:6
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

God's words is one of many contributions that keep me moving and pushing me forward. What a wonderful God we serve!

Continuing with the fruit-tree story... I am thankful that there's a loving and compassionate Gardener who said, "Give the tree some more time ..." (Luke 13:6-9)

Please keep me in your prayers. Also, may you please pray for my Pa who is the director of the orphanage I used to live. He is now in Germany, once again, receiving a special treatment for leukemia. I heard it is more serious this time.

I am sorry for such a sad update. I know that life is not easy for everyone, but it is just another experience that I need to fight through ...

In Him who gives us all strength,

Thursday, September 30, 2010

It Is Time To Get Started ...

Greetings to my family, brothers/sisters, and friends!

Time is definitely moving fast. Faster and faster, that it is necessary to move along. It is once again, the beginning of the academic year for me: the beginning of a whole new level of learning, and the beginning of a profession. Thus, it is true: what you long for will one day come, but the question is “Am I ready?”

During the summer, I have been thinking what it will be like to be in a room surrounded by mostly female students. Yes, I am entering into the Nursing Program now. In each of the nursing classes, there are approximately 50 people, but only five guys are in the crowd. For the first few days, it was a bit overwhelming to be in the sea of minority. However, as time goes on, the situation becomes more bearable. At first we did not know each other, but now all the guys unite so that we can be seen.

Beside the unfamiliar atmosphere, the classes are just fantastic. Every day, there are so much to learn. And to absorb everything all at once is difficult. This semester I am taking four classes: Biology-Anatomy&Physiology, Nursing Concepts, Nursing/HKIN, and Intro.-to-Philosophy. With Bio and Nursing classes, they each have their own lab.

For the first week, I am overwhelmed at first year students of how much they can handle for their first year. I was blessed as to have taken some of electives classes during my first year; otherwise, I will be dead. With some of required classes I already took, there are still more to do, and to prepare for each Nursing class.

With all the busyness, my brain began to not cooperate. It was on the same week that I became forgetful. One day I forgot my glasses, and one or two days later went my wallet with all my information! I was all worried, and some of my friends were praying with me for my glasses. (Glasses are really expensive over here) By the miracle, I found it the next day. And, it is almost seem like a test, the next day I forgot my wallet after I changed for a come-together soccer game. I thought to myself, “Oh boy, what is wrong with me? I should be getting smarter, instead of these …”

However, with what I have seen, I chose not to worry and trust that God will take care of that. God is, indeed faithful and gracious. The next week after one of my friends emailed that his friend found my wallet. Give thanks to the Lord!
I guess life is more interesting and fun when once in a while something like such occurs.

As far as schoolwork, there is so much to do and to learn. A big challenge for me is the Bio. Class. It is such wonderful and amazing to see the mighty work of God. To see the body that He has given each one of us. It is just indescribable!

For Nursing, I am just learning the first-step components, like hygiene, assessment, and some other basic care in lab. Everything is going well, though, so far.
Today as I write, I have practiced giving needles to the sheep as they need some vaccination for their health. I felt that I did okay, since the sheep did not scream when I gave them :-)

And, that is my story for September. College is tough, and Nursing is not easy. Please keep me in your prayers. I really need to do well for each of the classes. Thank you all so much again for your prayers and supports.

Many blessings,

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August - the preparation month

I usually do not write English poem, but today I will copy a few well-known lines.

"Roses are red,
And violets are blue",
If you ask me, I'll tell you two,
It is August I thought I knew.
The flowers and the veggies,
They grow and grew.
With the BC rains,
And a few sun too.
If you ask me,
I thought I knew.

Well, greetings to everyone!
As I write now, I can see some smiling faces. It is sometimes hard to jot down a few events on a blog without having any physical contacts. But, I hope you all would understand.

Like a month ago, life is still on the run. I still breathe and open wide my eyes to see what the Lord brings each day.
The flowers in the field are growing well. My Canadian family and I have been very busy this month picking and bending our backs to share the beauty of God's creation. Well, some people would love amarantus! From bachelor-button to zanias to burgandi and many others, our appreciation for the flowers descend more and more. Not the beauty of those flowers that descend, but the labour and marketing. One thing I would not lie, though, is that working in the hot sun sometimes does really irritates me. But, that is life. In French: "c'est la vie"

On the other hand, the sheep stock are doing pretty well. Each day they grew a little bigger. And, their fear towards me shrink as well. So, instead of running from me when I try to feed them, they give me some space while putting down the feed, and then they come to eat the grain in the trough.
With sheep there are many application I can learn from! The spiritual part and the actual, physical duty part!
We used to have six rams and thirteen ewes. And, they are to be separated because some of the ewes are still small to be bred. At this point, four rams already went to the market.
One morning when I went out to do the sheep, I knowingly closed one of the gates improperly. Then, maybe, thirty minutes or so later came Grandpa shouting by the window! As the noise rose, we thought, "uh-oh coyotes!". But, no, it wasn't. The two happy rams and ewes got together! And, it wasn't the rams who entered the ewes' field, but the ewes. Ha ha... well, that day was to be a sleep-in morning, but everybody has to get up and joined the excitement. So, lesson learned. Be always to double check.
I hope the rams didn't do any damage to the nine little ewes, since they're still small.

Yeah, every month there is always something exciting. Our life, or at least my life, is going to be so bored otherwise :)

All is well here. I am doing well, and since it is August school is starting soon; in fact, it is on September 9th. I had all my books collected for the semester to come. It is quite a mountain pile, yet I am really excited to really learn something worth the hardwork!

You already experience that, while you're at school. New textbooks always bring along the joy and anticipation.

I think that is pretty much August has in store for me. As for prayer request, may you please pray for my starting of Nursing Program this coming year. I ask for wisdom and strength, endurance and patient. I am going to be extra busy starting from now on. But, good busy :)

Thank you all so much for your love and support. Your prayers and thoughts about my well-being here mean a lot to me.

May our gracious and abounding in love Lord Jesus bless you all richly.

In Him,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July - The growing month

Day after days, week after weeks, months after months, the things that we do not expect can happen at anytime. Just like July, it is a time of year, especially at where I am staying, the fruit of our labour have taken place.

Planting and weeding are my main job for the past months. Now, it is an exciting time of the season when all that we planted grow in a noticeable speed. Not only vegetables and flowers that gain height and produce fruits, but our main livestock, which are the sheep, multiply as well. Yes, everything is growing, and that is good. Living on a farm, there is nothing more enjoyable then to see what we grow and raise increase in size!

At the same time, I think the world will become a perfect place if there are no more weeds growing. At least, that is my wish. Well, I guess, that will come true one day.

So, what have I been doing this past wonderful month of July?
Well, first of all since my birthdate is unclear as my birth-certificate says in July and I used to September, my Canadian family decided to celebrate an unbirthday event for me. And, if you have read Alice in Wonderland, you might know where that celebration was from. Since then, the event had some activities from the book.

A few weeks later, I went to a lake called Cultus, in Chilliwack. Although Canada is now a hot place, the lake is still pretty cool. I did enjoy it for a certain degree, but not a whole lot. I guess, I do not have Western skin yet. However, it was nice to visit a different location.

One big technical problem that happened to me this month was my virus-consumed laptop. Virus is a wicked disease. It affects not only living things, but non-living hardware as well. Anyway, that was an exciting moment for my life in July. As for that, I still need to work on it before the school start again. FUN.

What else is going on? Oh, yeah. Early of this month at the farm we tried to watch over coyotes because of the full moon. But, not one of them came. One day, though, as we were having a lunchbreak after our morning's work, a daring, hungry coyote came into our field! The cows that stay at the back field dashed to the front gate and doing nothing. So, Mr coyote came in trying to visit our sheep. Thank God, there was another fence between him and the sheep. The coyote's visit was a short one, because as Grandma and Grandpa saw him, Grandma came running into the house to report the unusual visit. Somehow, we were able to scare him away. He, definitely, had an unpleasant visit. I guess, he could not get back to report to his companions, though he was in the forest.
That was a fantastic activity we did all day, as all of us came out after we scared him away with baseball bat, shovel, and stick. And, that is a life on the farm.

On the third week of July, I went to see a celebration of light held in Vancouver. Two to three hundred thousand people attended the event. The fireworks were done by Spain. It was spectagular as the fireworks tried to dance through the music.

By nightfall, the amount of the people triple!

The glory of firework!

The joy Spain produced.

(Photos taken by Jason Ho)

Today, as I write, we had tried to build another fence so that there won't be another "friendly" visit from Mr Wiley Coyote.

And, that is pretty much excitements July can bring.
I hope you all are doing well, and enjoy the summer as it is will soon come to a close.

Many blessings,

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Little Climax of My Story!

Greetings to all my faithful supporters!

I have once learned about the progression of a story. A story always need or must have rising actions that lead to climax(s). That is just to keep the reader from falling asleep. Yet, life is a much more different scenario. There is a bit of this or that here and there.

Living in a home with a farm reveals many truth. Again and again, it has taken me into the time of Genesis, the first days when almost everything turns sour. Here at the farm, we have been planting different kind of vegetables and flowers. As for the heart of every farmer, each wants to see the growth of what were planted. From time to time, the growth of those vegetables never exceeds the growth of the weeds! The plants of irritation and pain. This really reminds me of how man must toil over the soil. It is one of the truth that we cannot ignore. Yet, it is through God's grace that we have plenty of rain and some sun for things to grow, and even more, the strength to endure and work hard on the field.

With the sheep too, once again I am amazed at just how David describes his experience with the sheep and compares them to us and God. Such an accurate picture. For me, I see the sheep sometime are a bit stupid. They want to be with the flock but when one of them get separated behind the gate they can never find a way, even though the gate is wide open. Yet, they are quiet and calm when you get a hold of them. It is a privilege for me to be an apprentice shepherd. They really bring me back to see who I am and of God's grace and patience with me.

Within this month on the third week, I was able to go visit one of my teachers, who was teaching at Logos International School. Mr Plett and his family live in Blumenort, Manitoba. I had such a great time over there. The scenery of the location brought me to the land of Cambodia. Manitoba is mostly flat. It is not hard to see a tall building from 50 miles away! However, what really amaze me was the animals there. I saw mostly cows, beef and diary, but those cows are not ordinary, at least to my eyes. They are huge! Huge that it scares me to even just stay near them. Anyway, good for those cows that they are that big. More meat!

Climbing the sailow is another fun activity I did on my visit. Once again, I am reminded of activities I used to have at Logos Bible Camp. Nice breeze and all-seeing view on top of the sailow!

As always there are things to learn. Mr Plett taught me a new trade! To put shingles on the roof. I am glad to do so because it was not just ordinary roof, but Mr Plett's house. It's a good remembrance.

On Sunday, Mr Plett asked me to share my testimony, which I did. After the service, we went to a Mennonite museum. Seeing the prints of many lives, I really admire how people fought against the harshness of life and continue to live on. At the same time, I am so glad to find a real windmill!

I had a fantastic visit with Mr Plett. It was more than a visit. It's a refreshment for both my physical body and spirit. There are many lessons and new experiences I gained from the visit. I am really glad to have this opportunity and really looking forward to it if there will be another!

Once again I am back in BC, living under the unpredictable weather. But, give thanks to God for everything! Within this week, I will be having First Aid Course for my nursing program.

Thank you all for your supports and prayers for my well being here in Canada. May you also please pray for my relationship with God. May it grows in closeness that will help me run forward in faithfulness and obedient.

Many blessings,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life's Still Go On


Even though there is no school, the days are still running. In fact, the month of May is almost over. I did not have school over a month! Time runs non-stop. However, it is good for a change. This summer my life is still running with a different suit.

Without school, I have myself occupied with some works. I work part time at Trinity, mostly for the conference that are going on there in the summer. And, what do I do? My profession is cleaning, vacuuming, and set up beds. Yes, it is a different life. At the same time, I also work on the farm of my guardians/family.

Within the month of May, I receive a few surprises. I remembered clearly how my guardians are so clever at keeping secrets from me. All day long before the surprise, I have worked quite hard on the yard and the surrounding of the house. I was told that there will be a board barbecue. I mowed the lawn. Pressure washed the fence. Everything looks neat and spectacular, but I did not know the real intention. That day when there should be the board barbecue, I was, then told that it is a party for me?!

Yes, everything was all for me. A surprise party for my acceptance into Nursing at Trinity. I found out less than an hour before the party! Ha ha...What a nice family I have. What really surprise me the most was how my family were so sneaky at keeping the secret, and told me otherwise. As a result, I did not know what to do for the party. I just "smile-and-wave". :)

A few weeks ago, there was a rodeo show in Langley, BC. The country fair show. It was spectacular to see the many events with games and prizes. At the fair, I got another surprise. I wish I have brought the camera with me. The cows and the horse. They are huge! Wow! I never see such big animals in my life. There were three huge milking cows, and a horse that is use for hard labor. I just cannot believe it. Well, now that I see there is such huge animals.

I shared with you already about my attempt to get a learner for my driving skill. And, here it is!
I hope I will not cause any worries :) since I received many comments from my family already, "Learner = L -> "Look out!". They like to tease me :)
However, one thing that I am doing quite well is controlling the mower and the tractor.

So far that is my journey. Life on the farm is very good. As always, there is also application I can learn from these various jobs. I already learn some skills concerning nursing, though it is a bit different. With raising sheep, there is always interesting facts about their breeding cycles, like bringing the lamps into the world. And with the two cows, they are growing bigger. They are quite scary, but it is avoidable.

That is pretty much with my May-Life. I am looking forward to the future and what will bring as I continue to experience my fabulous life in Canada.

Thank you all for your supports and prayers.
Many blessings and love from our gracious Lord Jesus Christ!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's Done!

Greeting from Abbotsford, British Columbia!

It is not going to be any surprise about my recent glad news. I was accepted into the nursing program at Trinity as many of you have heard already, but for the sake of sharing and to trace God's lead I am glad to announce it once more. God is good!
(Let everybody says, "ALL THE TIME!")

The month of April was a month of preparation, or you can say a month of due papers and exams. During this time at Trinity, usually, students look stressful and trying to work hard on their papers. Some, even had to stay up late or did not sleep. It was a crazy month, but it is a good month, too. Why? As you know, it is the month when the full stretch come to a complete stop. It is the month of freedom when we finish school and done all the papers. What a great relieve! As a student that is what I feel right now. No more homework and papers for four months! And, it is the first time that I have four month vacation from school. Wow!

As the days of exam gone by more and more people leave the university. There were cars, vans, and even trucks to bring back what undergraduates brought. It was fun to watch, and it is going to be entertaining as they will bring those back when the new school year starts.

I am not any different. This week, on the 28th, I moved to my new home. It has been my home already, but it is going to be for the next four years. I am glad to choose this move. Yes, I am moving to live with the Regehr family, my family now. To anyone who like dorm life it is sad, but I think it is a good choice to stay some where more quiet when night sleep is important. I also admit that dorm life is really enjoyable as well.

For the summer, I will be working on the farm at the Regehr's and part time on campus whenever I am called. I am really looking forward to experience a farmer's life--the life away from books and papers and exams for awhile. However, I think I might be having a different exams: driving and gardening. I do not know how am I going to score, but I will find out.
This summer I plan to get my Learner here. I already have the book, both for the motorcycles and the cars. It is going to be interesting. I never have any driving book when I drive my motor back in Cambodia. I might want to say that I survived in Phnom Penh, Canada would be only a piece of cake. But, I do not think so. To me, here is more dangerous because everyone is precise at what they are doing while driving. I will see who I am made out of.

Life as a farmer is going to be awesome. I am going to be a shepherd. Shepherd of 10 sheep and two cows. I think this life is fun, and at the same time I am going to learn something important and new.

Today, as I write I just rearranged all my stuffs I brought from school. It looks good so far. I really like and enjoy having my own room. It is nice here. What a great blessing!

Well, I hope you all are doing well. Since this is a blogger, it is going to be mostly about my life.

Many blessings to you and thank you for your support.

In Christ,


Friday, March 5, 2010

The Days that Passed and the Days that Last

Greeting to all!

One month ago I have written one of my most excited moment while staying in Trinity. But, today I began to think, "Wow! It's been a month already that I haven't post anything yet." So now I do.

February like any other days were considered the school hours. Not school alone happened during this cold/sunny-with-spring-feeling month. If you stay in touch with sport and all, you might recall the Winter Olympic. It was hosted right here in Vancouver. Lots of people. Every where people talked about the Olympic. Somehow, it is a bit abnormal for me since I have never cheer for any sport team. However, it was a great season. Within the last week of February, school was off for a week. It was called the "reading break". Yes, contrary to that, it was the week of reading(s).

During that week I came to my guardian's home. An amazing event happened. My guardians are raising two cows and two sheep. Both of the sheep were pregnant. On Wednesday night, one of the sheep, named Ivy, gave birth to two lambs! It was such a great sight to see. Lives came out from another life. It is so incredible. Another sheep is expecting to have lambs soon as well.

More about life on campus:
Like any other days, they are quite the same: Schooling. Yet, as the days passed, I began to learn something new every day, the good and the bad. Trinity is a Christian institution, and there are so many gifted people living and studying in this great University. However, as I began to live and observe more and more, my faith was challenged.

This semester I have an IDIS-Class (a class learning about Christian Worldview). In this class, the students are taught about Christian's perspective and how one should see the world. I was, all along have that way of thinking in mind because it was laid out plainly through the Word of God: the Bible. It surprises me to see that many students grumbled about that class. Seeing this, my faith began to stumble a bit. The reason was why do we educate and come to university? For a good life or something else? Is coming to university to just live a life to the full or live life because of God's call? Sometimes being surrounded by different culture and different atmosphere does create how one thinks and shaping that person. Each day I consider over and over about all these. I do not know, but it seems that Consumerism does have a great impact on many lives.

What challenges my faith was to see how some people interpret faith or live their lives. Living here is definitely among Christians with various interpretations. Back home in Cambodia, I lived among Buddhists and Muslims. The way they live tells about what they believe. Somehow I began to think, what if I only live because the Word taught me to live, without God being in the picture? What if there is no any supernatural force (God) behind any of these? Is that mean I live because I was taught in certain way? Is there reason at all to living?

I was challenged by these questions the past two months. I still sometimes in doubt about my faith. It has never happened to me quite seriously before. I wonder whether that was from what I have learned and experienced here. Is that what Knowledge do to a person?

I continue to pray and ask God to show me what He wants to teach me through all these. Though I was doubting, I am convinced that there is a God who is right beside me holding my hands and walk before me. If there is no God, there would be no meaningful days anymore. Life would mean nothing.

Anyway, it was what I have in mind recently. School is busy as usually. I am trying to get up and do all the work that is required: reading, oh yes readings, midterm, essays, and all.

A few days ago I was privileged to go a prayer meeting set up by Mr Henry and Mrs Quirings, who are by now leading a mission team to Cambodia.
I am glad that I could go and will definitely continue to pray for their well being in my country.

Thank you so much for all your prayers. I have submitted my nursing application already and I am waiting to hear the result in late April or early May.

At this point, please pray for my relationship with the Lord because it is so easy not to have connection with Him. I need Him more than ever. Secondly, please pray that I will continue to persevere and work my hardest for school and being a true Christian living among Christians.

May our gracious Lord bless you all richly.

With peace and love,


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Amazing Week of God's Grace

Greeting to all!

As the second semester moves forward I cannot wait to share with you all how gracious and amazing our God is! Before I start I would love to pray this prayer: Philippians 1:16-19

"I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for who believe, according to the working of his great power."

Having school is a great thing; however, at the same time it is hard and long hours. I think you might also remember how it felt like back in those days. I did not say, that I am complaining. School is, indeed great! However, having school alone is not enough. Through experience, it can be tiring sometimes. Within this past week my life on campus seemed to be on a see-saw. It tilted from one position to the other. What I am trying to say is that I missed home, my beloved Cambodia and all the friends. I mean, I do have friends here, yet sometimes I do feel alone. I guess, although there are friends around, my heart seemed to be out of place. I felt a deep missing. The missing that raised the question, "Why am I here?"

I thanked our Lord Jesus Christ, who I am so thankful that I brought Him along! In time of depress and in time of sorrow He can along with His Mercedez. Trinity is a great place. I am so thankful for this wonderful university. It seemed right and in perfect timing. On that day I went to the chapel. What a great time! Chapel is always a great time to relax and concentrate for my needed part: Spiritually. A time to grow and stay close to Christ. I remembered it clearly that God brought a confirmation and consolation to my heart. I know that I am here for a purpose, but just understanding by myself is not enough. I do not know how to express it. Yet, what I am trying to say is that God came to my rescue and give me strength in time such as that! A true serene peace.

At the university, this week is called the "Mission Week". What an incredible time! People from different mission organization came to campus telling the work they are doing around the world. It is such a great blessings to see how God works in different places of the world, and different hearts. In particular, there were stories that were shared telling about God's amazing work within lives that sometimes seem impossible for us to think.
Dr. Bruce Main, the speaker of chapel this week, is working in the UrbanPromise Ministries. Such incredible stories that he experienced inspire all who hear. Sometimes, I was filled with tears. One story was how a helpless boy living in the gang's world became a successful man as he finished his studies. A girl who never thought of finishing high school got her master degree. These children were hopeless but light was brought to them through people who dare to take the step that the world look at it as crazy. And that is what the UrbanPromise are doing. They are working with gangs and people with many problems. I really thank the Lord that I got to hear such incredible stories. The power of change. The power that I could not comprehend or imagine. Praise God for His love towards those lost people!

Tonight as I write Bruce Main came into my dorm to share more about God's work in his ministry. Why he does what he does! Such great inspiration! I am so glad to get to meet him. What is more joyful was that he asked me, "What do you see your life in the next 10 years?" I said that I want to go back to Cambodia and help the people there. I will either be working with some organization or if I am able to I can set up my own work/ministry. Thus than, he said after I finish my degree I can contact him because in his ministry there is a program that train people to set up their own NGO, and they raise support for the work that one plans to do! Wow!! What an awesome night/week! It was not accident. I am so excited, yet at the same time I should keep this vision, and walk step by step :) I am just so glad. Four or so more years! It seems long, but I will get there. It is my great pleasure to share with you all this. Please pray that God's will be done in my life.

The main homework/workload I have to do for this semester is mostly reading. Lots of reading, and they can become napping times. As I shared with you all, I am just taking the core requirements this semester and will head into nursing, hopefully.

About work on campus, they are scarce, so I do not have work to do yet. My guardians are trying to help me to get the off-campus work permit. However, I am definitely going to have summer job for sure. At the same time, my guardians will try to get driver license for me. Exciting, yet a bit scare (different driving system). I am going to be afraid of how to drive right.

Yes, thank you all for your precious time and supports through both financial and prayers. They are so important for my existent in this great university.

May you continue to pray for my nursing application and for my well doing in my studies. May the Lord shines His light upon me. May what I have learned with His revelation sink deep within my heart.



Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Journey to the Winter Wonderland!

Greeting to all!

It is so exciting to experience new activities and sceneries. Such a great blessing during this Christmas break! It is good to relax after a first ever semester.

Happy New Year!!
May the blessing from our Lord above be with you. This is the new year. The time of newness. May He fills you with peace, love, and strength.

It seems so long of a break, but I am so glad that I had one. Usually, I have only two weeks break, now it's three weeks. I think this is one best part about college. In a way, it is a really good thing because students can rest their minds and enjoy a bit. It is so refreshing after the break. Quite abnormal, I felt restless and wanted to go back to school. I guess, I had enough relaxation.

During this Christmas break, there were so many great things that happened and I am glad to be a part of.

My first Christmas in Canada was not bad at all. Usually, during Christmas time I have something to expect, but this time I have none. I was holding back and just trying to go with the flow. However, at the same time, I thank the Lord that He gave me such a great family. Before we went to Calgary, Alberta (further north of Canada), there came some relatives who spent Christmas with us. We played games and enjoyed each other company. One of the game is called, "pit", if you are a Mennonite you should know. On the Christmas morning after the reading of Christ's birth, we opened up gifts. We opened one by one and trying to guess what we got. It's quite fun because I had to wait instead of just right away open up all the gifts. Patience. Since this was my first Christmas, my family had me hunted for one of my gifts. And there I found a guitar! I really thanked my host family and the Lord that I got this as a gift. Such delight! However, there were something else that stroke me. Since I like hot stuff, I got a pack of "chilli" bottles. So good!

On our journey go Calgary, we were on the planes. Calgary during nighttime was spectacular. "Welcome to Winter Wonderland!" was my first impression. Beautiful. Snow-cold, frigid, and lifeless-but at the same time what was made by our Maker is fantastic. So beautiful, even though it's just white.

On the second day, while I was there. We went tobogganing. My first time ever to sled. It was so much fun. Then, face-washed! I wished to have that in Cambodia, but not in Canada. Brrr!

Then we also went to the mountains. It is so wonderful to see such great and high mountains. They were rocky mountains filled with snow, some of them still contained the rugged shapes. There were some wild animals we saw along the road. The pines and evergreen trees beside the road are like those in Narnia movie. Spectacular! Then, to the frozen lake we went. I walked on the frozen lake! Sometime I thought what if it cracks. Oh ooh! But, it was alright. Something even more important to see was the displays at the bear country. I was much advise about bears. Now that I was in the Bear Country what should I do? Fortunately, there wasn't any bear. Hibernating :) I got a small booklet that tells about bear. "Never ever run from a bear!" it said. But, Mr Hein-Logos Principal- told me that there are some I need to run from. Maybe those are bears from Kelowna =D

We also went to see the Calgary tower (190.81 m). It is another place to see the world of Calgary. So beautiful. There was also a section in the tower where it was built with glass. You can see through the bottom. Pretty scary if you try. But, it's 100% safe.

The family gathering was unique. I was reminded about Khmer New Year! Christmas is much like Khmer New Year! It is a time for reunion and celebration with the loved ones. Turkey dinner was a delight! And wine, different ones like Koniach, I tried. They warms you up. But strong. Arrr! I'm glad I took some, but no more.

Canada is indeed a cold country, but with so many warm-hearted people. My host family's reunion brought good memories I have had back home. I was most welcomed here. God is so good and gracious. It is so good to be a part of a family, and not just a stranger. It is good to have a family, no matter where we are. Also, because of such great hospitality, I gained 10 lbs. this break!

I had such a great break and enjoy Canada so much (indoor :). Now, I am ready to go to partake once again the journey of academic life. It was so refreshing! That's why college is good.

Thank you all for following up my story, supporting, and as well having me in your prayers. I ask that our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ bless you all richly in this new year. May the steps you take be filled with confidence and strength. May his love and peace dwells with you no matter what circumstances are on the way. Amen!

Please pray for my coming semester, so that it will progress affectively, and that whatever I do will be a great example and good encouragement to those around me. Most of all, pray that I know how to balance well with my life. Please also continue to pray for my nursing application that it will go smoothly because I am quite impatience to partake the service for my Lord back in Cambodia. Thank you all very much.

